Mezz cues 2

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League Continued In Riga

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League third stage was held in Riga, Latvia. As always Bams Pool House greeted the 100 participating athletes with good tables and nice atmosphere. The always popular event was won in men's division by Pijus Labutis (LIT) Denis Grabe (EST) and in women's and old boys division once again Margarita Fefilova (BLR).

Battle of the youth

The men’s division turned out to be a real battle of the youth as in the final four there were only young guns still in the bracket. The first semi-final was a real cracker as two top youth players, not only in the Baltics but in the world battled, out the place in the final. These two talents were Denis Grabe (EST) and Pijus Labutis. After a thrilling semifinal, Pijus Labutsi managed to get the most of it and proceed to the final by a score 8:6.

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League II Stage Produced Another Record

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League second stage was held in Kaunas, Lithuania, in a beautiful ENTRY pool hall. This event was special as it had the most participants ever and not only in Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League, but it was the biggest ever pool tournament in the Baltics with 115 participants from 10 different countries. The historical event was won in men's division by Estonian Denis Grabe and in women's and old boys division by Latvian Genadijs Kaminskis.

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League 2017 – New Season, New Venue

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League 2017 has kicked off in just renovated Musta Kasi pool hall in Hyvinkää, Finland. This event is another landmark for the league as it is the first event in the six seasons to be held in Finland.Men's event was won by Jani Siekkinen (Finland) for the first time, but women's and old boys event was won by Anna Prisjaznuka who has already won many events in the past.

Belorussian double in Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League Final

In the first weekend of november was held Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League 2016 grand final in the spectacular city of Riga, Latvia. The stars of the weekend were two athletes from Belarus. They were the winners of men's dvision Dmitri Chuprov and women's and oldboys division Margarita Fefilova.

Another Windy Cold Welcome From Estonians

Estonian pool meka Baribal Pool Club in Tallinn was the host of the Mezz Cues Baltic Pool Leagues fourth stage. Similarly to the last year estonian players were not good hosts as they managed to win six out of the eight first places in mens division. Estonian Denis Grabe repeated his last years win in Tallinn and Katerina Polovinchuk (UKR) claimed her first stage win in Womens and Oldboys division.

Grabe Was Barely Tested

The best proof of estonian dominance in the mens division was the all Estonian final between Grabe and Mark Mägi. The action packed final went Grabe's way as he won 7:5. In the semi-final Grabe won 7:2 over another estonian Mihkel Rehepapp who has been in a fine form lately on Estonian tournaments. The only Lithuanian in the last four was Martynas Aleksonis who lost his semi-final to Mägi 7:5.