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Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League 2015 Grand Final

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League last and most prestigious event of the 2015 season, the final event, was held in a beautiful city of Riga and the venue was BAMS Pool House. The best 32 of this seasons ranking men and 16 best women and oldboys were invited to participate in the event. In men division Denis Grabe (EST) finished on top. In the women and oldboys division the gold medal went for Anna Prisjaźnuka (LAT).

No Mercy From Estonians

In men division Estonians showed no mercy and took five of the last eight finishes. Nevertheless the semi-finals were not all about Estonia. Grabe met a good match in the face of Dmitry Chuprov from Belarus, but still managed to won 10:7. However another finalist, Aleksandr Jermikimov (EST), barely crossed the finish line first when he beat a young Lithuanian talent Pijus Labutis 10:9. The final turned out quite one-sided as Grabe took the title 10:5.

Prisjaznuka On Top Form

In women and oldboys division things were more colorful, but surely more one-sided. Prisjaźnuka was on top form by first winning her semi-final against this years ranking number one Agne Jaruśauskaite 8:2 and then running through the final by the same score against oldboy Gintautas Danilevićius. The latter was feeling very comfortable in his semi-final by beating Tana Lace 8:1.

Great Event, Great Emotions

The organisers of the event were full of good emotions as another year turned out to be such a success. It was nice to see that for the first time in the history of Baltic Pool League both division winners were the same as on some other year. Namely in 2012 Grabe and Prisjaźnuka were on the top as well. Due to constantly rising quality of the matches it will be interesting to see whether they will be the first pair to successfully defend their titles.

The organisers thank all the participants, volunteers, fans and all other people and companies that were part of this event. Naturally special "THANK YOU" goes out to all the sponsors - Mezz Cues, Iwan Simonis, Aramith, Biljardai, Kamui, Aveiras, True Tight Rack, Baribal Pool Club, Undine, Start Pool Club, Bams Pool House and East European Billard Council.